


John Kerry

john kerri 1John Kerry came to us in 2009 when he was just 9 months old. He was referred to us by a nurse at the local clinic because he was in desperate need of attention. Severely malnourished, John Kerry was living with relatives who, although doing the best they could, were not able to provide him with enough of the necessities of life.

When we first met this child, we were heartbroken and concerned at his inability to cry due to the fact that his cries had been too often unanswered. As a result, his needs were expressed by a mere squeaking sound that exerted less energy. We even had to teach him how to eat.
Today, John Kerry is one of our brightest lights. Through good nutrition and hygiene, he has thrived and grown like any healthy child. Having attended school since the age of 3, John Kerry is a bright young boy who has no problem expressing himself. His confidence knows no bounds and he is quick to let the other children know if he thinks they are doing something wrong.

It is a common sight for John Kerry to be telling children ten years his senior that they have to remember to wash their hands before a meal! Personal hygiene is one of the most important habits the children have to learn.