



widnarly 1Widnarly came to Welcome Home Children’s Centre when she was three years old. Severely malnourished, Widnarly was so weak she spent much of her day lying down. She couldn’t seem to stay awake for any length of time.

We were quite concerned that her condition would prevent us from keeping her properly hydrated. We also noticed that due to the amount of time she spent in bed, she had developed skin sores that had been left untreated. Widnarly was a quiet, sad little girl who had not learned how to laugh.  

Fast-forward to today, and Widnarly is a different child. With proper nutrition and medical attention, Widnarly was able to turn a corner and may never look back. This cheerful little girl has energy to burn and is thriving every day. She has captured our hearts and, given the chance, she would capture yours, too.