


November 2021 Update

Greetings to all of you, from all of us at Welcome Home Children Centre. As 2021 draws to a close, we want to thank you all for your very generous support of our work in Haiti, through your prayers and donations. Your support has allowed us to continue to care for the children in the centre in the areas of, intellectual growth, spiritual growth, and physical growth. Notwithstanding the pandemic and the unrest in the country, we are happy to report that they are all healthy and that all but one, passed their final exams and were able to move up to the next grade level this fall. This is encouraging to us, and we trust, to you, as well. Your investment in these kids is indeed yielding dividends. Glory be to God!

img1Some of our kids on the first day of school this fall

Haiti Today

A lot has happened since our last newsletter. Following a period of political instability in Haiti, the president, Jovenel Moise, was assassinated in July (the perpetrators have yet to be brought to justice) and just over a month later, the Island was hit by a magnitude 7.2 earthquake. Since our last report to you, Haiti has largely fallen into a state of chaos with no bona fide government in charge. This political instability has resulted in the breakdown of law and order leaving gangsters in control of some of the cities and communities. They inflict fear on people by committing, without repercussion, brutal atrocities at will. Kidnappings - especially of aid-workers and people they believe can afford to pay ransom, is keeping people unsafe and perpetually on edge. The latest crisis is a nationwide fuel shortage caused by gangs seizing access to the fuel supply terminals in the Port-au-Prince neighborhoods of Carrefour and Varreux. All these developments are making life very difficult for the average person in the country. Food prices continue to rise exponentially and there is a shortage of common staples. The cost of gasoline, when you can find it, is as high as $20 USD a gallon and cost of cement, we are told, has gone up 60% from its price just over a month ago.

 How we are doing

In spite of all of this, we have been able to keep our operation going on a very tight budget. We are also eternally thankful for the safety and well-being of our Children and staff. The Lord is faithful! We have had to literally place our kids and staff “under The Shadow of The Almighty”, as declared in Psalms 91. The result has been as stated in the 7th verse, namely that “A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, it will not come near you”. So, we continue to bask in God’s providence. People have been calling to see how our kids are doing and we are very appreciative of that. The truth is that it gets hard and discouraging sometimes but our resolve has never wavered because we continue to trust in the Lord in this mission to Haiti. The hardest thing for us in all of this, is that we have not been able to visit the kids in 2 years even though, thanks to WhatsApp, we are in touch with them every day. The other truth is that during difficult times like these, it is the children that suffer the most because times like these usually create more orphans and more street kids, the same subgroup that led to the creation of Welcome Home Children Centre. Like the saying goes, “when the going gets tough, the tough get going”. We are “tough”, we must acknowledge, only because of God’s grace and strength and by the support we get from benefactors like you all.


Our Annual Christmas Fundraising Campaign is in full swing! We are counting on your generosity to help us reach our $50,000.00 annual operating budget goal. To quote Denzel Washington in one of his inspirational and motivational commencement speech, the most selfish thing you can do in this world is help someone else. Why is it selfish? Because the gratification, the goodness that comes to you and the good feeling that you get from helping others, nothing is better than that”. We have been doing a lot with very limited budget and we would really like you to come through for the Welcome Home Children as you have done in the past. Our model has not changed: all funds coming in to WHCC are used strictly for running the orphanage – taking care of the kids’ daily needs, their schooling (tuition, uniform, books and transportation), general maintenance and salaries for the Haiti staff. Officers of the WHCC board, are not paid.

You can donate by:
(1) Using INTERACT e-transfer through   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(2) using Check payable to: Welcome Home Children’s Centre Inc.
34 McCullough Crescent, Georgetown, ON, L7G 5N5.
(3) Through Canada Helps (receipt will be issued from Canada Helps directly)
(4) By PayPal (through our website – under “Donate”)
Any issue, contact us at (416)-648-0040 OR by email –   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Prayer Needs
Continued protection for our kids, staff and property and for Haiti and her people for the return of civility and normalcy.

May we take this time to wish you all a Joyous and Merry Christmas; a wonderful and
Healthy New Year! Be Blessed!