


Spring 2023 Newsletter

Haiti - A Paradise Destined for Extinction?


 Photo courtesy MSAADA

This photo of a despondent young man dramatically captures the hopelessness and frustration of the Haitian people in light of the current situation on the Island. Once the crown jewel of the Islands of the West Indies, Haiti has become anything but and every passing day seems to take the Island farther and farther from its prior glory. Due to gang violence, Hospitals are not functioning, food is scarce and when available, delivery systems are hampered. Gangs are setting up road blocks and extorting money from drivers and passengers alike – to use roadways while the police and the “government” are outgunned!

Haiti needs a coordinated international intervenon NOW or it might be too late. Please continue to pray for its people and our WHCC children.

As part of a global faith community, however, we know that all is not lost in Haiti! There remains a remnant of faithful supporters and volunteers who continue to do whatever they can to help, sometimes with great detriment to themselves. These include members of the local police force and volunteers including missionaries and aid workers who put their lives on the line every day to help some of the most vulnerable, notwithstanding the danger all around. We must help such people – through our prayers, lobbying and giving. Just a few weeks ago Doctors Without Borders, one of last meaningful providers of healthcare in the country were forced to shut down operation in the capital city of Port Au Prince due to violence and lawlessness. This is quite significant. Read more:

At Welcome Home Children’s Centre, we have been blessed through your prayers and your donations to continue our work. Thank You all so much! We also owe a huge debt of gratitude to WHCC’s House Mother, Madam Pierrette, who, in spite of an ever-changing staff, continues to be very creative in doing whatever she can to keep our kids safe, fairly well fed, and supported in their education (taking them to and from school daily and helping them as much as possible with their homework). Our children are all well, thank God, but anxiety is high all around. Even the younger kids are keenly aware of how dangerous life has become. This anxiety has negatively affected their academic performances. They all performed below normal in the last semester.


 Dinner time at the home

Fuel and food continue to be very scarce and pricy in our area. $40 / gallon for gasoline had recently been reported in a few places but in our area the price is down to roughly $7 / gallon. Prices for rice and beans, staples of Haitian diet, are at an all-time high. Meats as a whole, has become a rare commodity. The stress gets to us, over here in Canada, as well. We worry about the kids a lot, especially as we are not able to see them in person in Haiti. Nonetheless, Camille speaks to them regularly, through WhatsApp.

Up-coming event:

It has been 3 years since we had our annual open house family barbeque. Now that the pandemic is largely a thing of the past, we are excited to announce that we are again resuming this. You are invited to please join us on July 22, 2023, starting at 1:00 pm. Location: 34 McCullough Crescent, Georgetown. ON.

You can help us by:
• Praying –
a) For continued protection of our kids and their caregivers.
b) That we find reliable and dedicated support staff for Madam Pierrette, WHCC’s House Mother.
c) For Divine intervention in Haiti.
d) That, one of our 12-year-old boys with a severe learning disability, who has long been waiting for medical help, will get the help he needs soon.
• Please continuing to support WHCC in your giving to our work and to advocate for WHCC and for Haiti.

Ways to donate:
• By check (Welcome Home Children’s Centre Inc. 34 McCullough Cres. Georgetown, Ontario, Canada. L7G 5N5)
• E-transfer ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
• PayPal

Remember these words of Christ in Mark 9:37 (NIV): “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.”

You can visit us:

Email us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: (416) 648-0040