


Summer 2024 Newsletter

The State of The Country

Following the widely anticipated arrival of the Kenyan troops in Haiti, the political and safety situation has somewhat stabilized but sadly only in the areas around the capital of Port au Prince. The suffering, insecurity and anxiety being experienced by a large section of the population remain. The hope and expectation of these people for liberation from the gangs and their brutality is largely dissipating into despair and hopelessness. The new normal in certain parts of the country is to live under the governance of the local gangs by paying these gangs protection money and use of roadway levies. Members of one of the major gangs continues to try to move into the area where WHCC is located but have continued to be held back by the local militia. The location of WHCC, as all those of you who have visited the site know, would be considered vulnerable, based on conventional wisdom. But, we continue to be covered under the shadow of The Almighty - hearing and reading of all sorts of atrocities, destruction and death but not experiencing any of it. We are secured only by God's Grace - just like the angel of the Lord said to Zechariah, “It is not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit” says the Lord Almighty”! We thank God for His Providence!
We also thank everyone of you for your continued support of this work both through your donations and prayers, as well as for your calls and texts to see how we are doing during this extraordinarily unusual period of time. We very much appreciate all of you.

The State of WHCC Kids


We reported in our last newsletter that our kids did very poorly academically in the second semester of the past school year. The extraordinary stress these kids continue to endure because of sporadic school openings due to gang insurgency and rumours and fears of imminent gang attacks was clearly to blame for this. We are happy to report that all but one of the kids have managed to pass their final exams and are moving up to their respective next grade this coming school year. Following the poor academic performances by the kids, Camille had a series of group talks with the kids (plus one-on-one talks with the 5 oldest ones), to remind them of the importance of education. She assured them that they are safe and that lots of people are loving on them and praying for them. These talks plus the ability of their schools to stay open through the third semester, without interruptions, seem to have done the trick.We continue to covet your prayers for the physical, emotional and psychological health of these kids and for their caregivers as well as for an end to the lawlessness in Haiti.


Thanks to all those who took the time to join us at our annual summer family bbq. We trust you had a good time.    We look forward to having a lot more of you next year.
Continue to enjoy your summer. ☀️